Cardio tips

Cardio tips

Cardiovascular diseases cause the highest number of deaths all over the world. The health of our hearts depends on a lot of lifestyle factors. Poor nutrition choices, bad lifestyle decisions, and improper mental health care can result in strokes, heart attacks, embolisms, and coronary heart disease. 

Tips to keep the heart Healthy

Eat healthily

Eating fresh produce and eliminating processed foods from your diet will reduce trans- fats, the number one cause of heart disease in men and women.

Antioxidants Intake

By increasing your intake of antioxidants found in berries, artichokes, nuts, leafy greens, and citrus fruits you can ensure good heart health.

Quit Smoking

Smoking causes the blood vessels going to and fro from the heart to constrict, increasing the odds of getting a heart attack. Quit smoking to keep your heart happy.

Regular Exercise

Aerobics, Zumba, yoga, swimming, brisk walking, jogging, and taekwondo will increase heart rate which keeps the system functioning well

Bust the Stress

Stress makes us indulge in unhealthy activities like drinking, eating junk and smoking. Find ways to de-stress and learn to practice deep breathing exercises.

Delete Cholesterol

Avoid processed foods, eat natural and healthy and your cholesterol levels will see a dip.

Sleep Enough

Restful, seven hours of sleep every night is a must for a healthy heart.


Having an active social life can reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease. Meet friends and family often.

Stock Up On Fibre

Eat your raw fruits and veggies and the wonder cereal oats to improve heart functioning.

Reduce Alcohol

Limit your alcohol intake and avoid binge drinking sessions. Choose wine over the hard drinks to have a happy heart.

Weighty Issues

Reduce your weight if you are on the heavier side. Look up the optimum weight for your age and height and aim to achieve that.

Pet Therapy

Having a pet reduces stress. If pets are not your thing, indulge in some gardening, or volunteer for some charity work.

Cooking Oil Matters

Eliminate refined oils from your cooking. Switch to olive oil, peanut, sesame or mustard oil.

Reduce Salt

Salt is known to increase blood pressure. Reduce its amount from your diet and use herbs and spices to add more flavour to your food.

Eat Your Oats

Oats are the friendliest cereal when it comes to your heart. Rich in fibre and high in protein, oats are the best breakfast option.

Regular Checkups

Meet your doctor regularly to have consistent updates on your health


They are the richest in antioxidants, which are responsible for avoiding heart issues. Eat a handful to stay healthy

Eat Fish

The healthiest alternative to red meat and chicken, fish is also rich in antioxidants.

Eat chocolate

Chow down some dark chocolate but only in moderation. The darker it is, the more antioxidants it will have proving beneficial for your heart.

Dental hygiene

Dental health is related to your heart’s health. Floss and brush daily and visit the dentist regularly.

Reduce belly fat

Excessive belly fat is often responsible for high blood pressure and higher levels of lipid in the blood. All these factors are extremely detrimental to heart health. Thus, It is important to keep your belly fat in control.

Physical activity

Working out regularly reduces the resting heart rate. It raises the heart rate while the body is engaged in physical activities which strengthens the lungs. Even if there is not much time left for exercising, a simple evening stroll might be beneficial.

Stretching exercises

Stretching reduces stress levels which ultimately helps in keeping the heart-healthy. 

Take the stairs instead of using the lift

Walking up and down the stairs is considered a great cardio activity and is sometimes even added to fitness regimes by trainers. It is a good way of getting your body moving while doing other chores.